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When it comes to hair care, we all wish we could wake up with that “just stepped out of the salon” look everyday. Unfortunately for most of us, a day or two later our hair begins to feel oily and we’re forced to wash it. While there are obviously benefits to washing your hair, washing too often can cause scalp dryness and more breakage since hair is most fragile when it’s wet, as well as an increased production of natural oils called sebum from the scalp.

To combat the overproduction of sebum, Studio 21 recommends oil training your scalp by slowly decreasing the frequency of hair...

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One of the best ways to change up your hair color is to invest in highlights. Think about it: you don’t have to deal with the commitment that comes with a full head of new, permanent color; and the maintenance can be so much easier. There is no better way to get a lived-in, sun-kissed look!

Of course, highlights can be executed in a myriad of ways, and if you’ve done any research or scanned Instagram looking for inspiration pictures, you’ve probably seen the phrases “foil highlights, balayage, foilayage, ombré and hand painted." With so many types of highlights out there - its...
